Apex Soccer Academy is a proposed soccer academy located in Nigeria that aims to provide comprehensive training and development opportunities to young soccer enthusiasts aged 14 and above.


Training and Coaching 

At Apex Soccer Academy, we offer specialized training and coaching programs that are designed to prepare aspiring soccer players for college soccer programs and club opportunities. 

Sports-related courses

Apex Soccer Academy offers a wide range of sports-related courses that not only enhance our players' skills but also provide them with invaluable opportunities for higher education and future career success. 

Summer Programs 

Apex Soccer Academy offers an exciting and comprehensive summer program designed for kids who are passionate about sports and interested in exploring sports-related courses. abcde

Apex League 

An amateur soccer leagues that provide young soccer enthusiasts with a platform to showcase their talent and passion for the sport.

Apex app

The app links coaches from all over the world directly with young athletes, providing access to a diverse range of expertise and coaching styles.


APEX CUP                         

The Apex Cup is a soccer tournament aimed at scouting young talent and recruiting for colleges and universities. With top-notch facilities and expert coaching, it is the perfect platform for aspiring soccer players to showcase their skills and take their careers to the next level. Join us for an unforgettable experience and a chance to take your game to new heights!

Promote interest and engagement in the sports industry in Nigeria.

Provide a platform for young soccer enthusiasts to develop and refine their skills.

Increase the number of young people participating in sports in Nigeria.

Improve the quality of sports training and education in Nigeria.